Get to know the staff

Board of Trustees

The Utah Electrical Training Alliance is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of four National Electrician Contractor Association (N.E.C.A) Trustees and four International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (I.B.E.W.) Trustees. They meet monthly to oversee JATC financial issues and address any disciplinary issues involving apprentices. They work together to guide the UETA JATC apprenticeship in maintaining a standard of excellence in the electrical industry.

UTETA Committee:

IBEW Representatives

Steve Woodman

Codey Lindsey

Sergio Sotelo, Chairman

Ryan Swann


NECA Representatives

Klaas DeBoer, Secretary

Josh Pettersson

Jammie Greer

Josh Maycock

Communication Sub Committee:

IBEW Representatives

Steve Woodman, Secretary

Mike Roberts

Trystin Bond


NECA Representatives

Klaas DeBoer, Chairman

Adam Pettersson

Brian Parkin


Michael Lanoue

Training Director

Brian Vermouth

Assistant Training Director

Franchesca Smith

Office Manager

Shea Wade

Administrative Assistant

Janae Trujillo

Administrative Assistant


John Kristensen

Full-time instructor

Nick Bryant

Full-time instructor

Josh Denys

Full-time instructor

Casey Willesen

Full-time instructor

Theresa Johnson

Full-time instructor

Clayton Cornia

Full-time instructor

Cameron Lambert

Full-time instructor

Aaron Evans

Full-time instructor